- Optimal allocation of the EU carbon budget: A multi-model assessment, with Mirjam Kosch, J. Siegle, U. Fahl, M. Pahle, R. Pietzcker, S. Bilici, M. Blesl, F. Kattelmann, L. Kittel, R. Roddrigues, D. Marmullaku, Energy Strategy Reviews, 51, 101271.
- Cross-country spillovers of renewable energy promotion—The case of Germany, with Mirjam Kosch, Resource and Energy Economics, 68, 101293.
- How Effective Is Carbon Pricing? A Machine Learning Approach to Policy Evaluation, with Mirjam Kosch and Sebastian Rausch, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 112.
- The Impact of Carbon Prices on Optimal Renewable Energy Support, with Mirjam Kosch, Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 9 (3).
- The Economic and Climate Values of Flexibility in Green Energy Markets, with Sebastian Rausch and Clemens Streitberger, Environmental and Resource Economics.
- Corporate emissions-trading behaviour during the first decade of the EU ETS, with Regina Betz, Johanna Cludius, Sascha Lehmann, and Joachim Schleich, Environmental and Resource Economics, forthcoming.
- The Economics of Renewable Energy Support, with Sebastian Rausch and Clemens Streitberger, Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 176, 94-117.
- Buffering Volatility: Storage Investments and Technology Specific Renewable Energy Support, with Sebastian Rausch and Clemens Streitberger, Energy Economics, 2019, 84, 1-15.
- Carbon Abatement with Renewables: Evaluating Wind and Solar Subsidies in Germany and Spain, with Mirjam Kosch and Sebastian Rausch, Journal of Public Economics, 2019, 169, 172-202.
- Higher Prices, Lower Cost? Minimum Prices in the EU Emission Trading Scheme, with Hide Yonezawa and Sebastian Rausch, The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2019, 121, 446-481.
- Integrating economic and engineering models for future electricity market evaluation: a Swiss case study, with Patrick Eser, Jared Garrison, Jonas Savelsberg, Hannes Weigt, Energy Strategy Reviews, 2019, 25, 86-106.
- How Robust is the Uniform Emissions Pricing Rule to Social Equity Concerns?, with Giacomo Schwarz and Sebastian Rausch, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2018, 92, 783-814.
- Combining Price and Quantity Controls Under Partitioned Environmental Regulation, with Sebastian Rausch, Journal of Public Economics, 2017, 145, 226-242.
- The Short and Long Term Impact of Europe’s Natural Gas Market on Electricity Markets until 2050, with Hannes Weigt, The Energy Journal, 2017, 37, 125-146.
- Stationarity Changes in Long-Run Energy Commodity Prices, with Aleksandar Zaklan and Anne Neumann, Energy Economics, 2016, 59, 96-103.
- Cross-Country Electricity Trade, Renewable Energy and European Transmission Infrastructure Policy, with Sebastian Rausch, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2016, 79, 87-113.
- The Global Impacts of Extreme Sea-level Rise. A comprehensive economic assessment, with Jon Pycroft and Juan-Carlos Ciscar, Environmental and Resource Economics, 2016, 64, 225-253.
- Investments in a Combined Energy Network Model: Substitution between Natural Gas and Electricity?, with Hannes Weigt, The Energy Journal, 2016, 37, 63-86.
- Economic impacts of EU clean air policies assessed in a CGE framework, with Fred Neuwahl, Bert Saveyn, Fabian Wagner, Zoe Vrontis, Environmental Science and Policy, 2016, 55, 54-64.
- Integrating Intermittent Renewable Wind Generation - A Stochastic Multi-Market Electricity Model for the European Electricity Market, with Friedrich Kunz,
Networks and Spatial Economics, 2015, 15, 117-147.
- Combining Energy Networks, with Hannes Weigt, Networks and Spatial Economics, 2012, 12, 377-401.
- Regulating CO2 emissions of transportation in Europe: A CGE-analysis using market-based instruments, Transportation Research Part D, 2010, 15, 235-239.
Papers in non-refereed journals and policy reports
- Database for the European Union Transaction Log, 2022, Corresponding website EUETS.INFO
- Optimal allocation of the EU carbon budget – A multi-model assessment, 2022, Araidne Analyse with: Süheyb Bilici, Markus Blesl, Ulrich Fahl, Felix Kattelmann, Lena Kittel, Mirjam Kosch, Gunnar Luderer, Drin Marmullaku, Michael Pahle, Robert Pietzcker, Renato Rodrigues, and Jonathan Siegle.
- A Fair and Solidarity-based EU Emissions Trading System for Buildings and Road Transport, Ariadne Report with: Benjamin Görlach, Michael Jakob, Katharina Umpfenbach, Mirjam Kosch, Michael Pahle, Théo Konc, Nils aus dem Moore, Johannes Brehm,Simon Feindt, Fabian Pause, and Jana Nysten.
- A Smart Design of New EU Emissions Trading Could Save 61 Per Cent of Mitigation Costs, with Sebastian Rausch, ZEW Policy Brief 21-05.
- The European Emissions Trading System and the German and Polish Electricity Market, with Regina Betz and Mirjam Kosch, Umweltbundesamt Climate Change 48/2020.
- The Californian Emissions Trading System and Electricity Market, with Regina Betz, Mirjam Kosch, Christopher Kardish, and Michael Mehling, Umweltbundesamt Climate Change 49/2020.
- The Drivers of Carbon Abatement with Renewables, with Mirjam Kosch, Quarterly Magazine of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, Summer 2019.
- Influence of market structures and market regulation on the carbon market, with William Acworth, Anatole Boute, Mirjam Kosch, et. al, Interim report Umweltbundesamt, 2019.
- Zur schweizerischen Klimapolitik: Wie effizient ist die Bepreisung des fossilen Energieverbrauchs?, SCCER CREST Whitepaper, Dezember 2018.
- Strommarktdesign: In welche Richtung soll es gehen?, SCCER CREST Whitepaper, June 2018.
- Bewertung zukünftiger Strommärkte: Bottom-up- und Top-down-Ansätze zur Modellierung zukünftiger Strommärkte, with Philippe Fortenbacher, Jonas Savelsberg, Jared Garrison, Christian Schaffner. Bulletin Verein Schweizer Elektrizitätsunternehmen, 9/2017.
- Was kommt nach der kostendenkenden Einspeisevergütung (KEV): Fördern, Lenken, Abwarten?, SCCER CREST Whitepaper, January 2017.
- The Clean Air Policy Package, Commission Staff Working Document, Impact Assessment, SWD (2013) 531.
- Review of Regulation (EC) No 842/2006 on certain fluorinated greenhouse gases, Commission Staff Working Document, Impact Assessment, COM (2012) 643 final and SWD (2012) 364.
Working Papers and Work in Progress